Monday, February 4, 2013

Crushes Past and Present - Listmania

Today I'm linking up with Deb from Home Life Simplified for week three of Listmania - I have posted the other two weeks of Listmania on my other blog - but though that I would flog this blog this week.

So the prompt this week is crushes from the past and present.

Crushes From The Past

Sean Connery - I just love the voice and the man

Paul Young - I had pictures plastered all over my bedroom wall

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Scott Baio from "Charles in Charge" but not sure those jeans would pass the test these days.

Current Day Crushes

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Jason Statham - he looks even better with his shirt off- he has a six pack to boot

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Horatio - there is just something about him but hes such a dude.

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Manu Feidel I just love that accent .

Well there you have it - past and present day crushes - that was fun to put that list together - thanks Deb.