Saturday, July 19, 2008

My Trip To Bahrain (Airport)

Yet again another thing that grown men are fascinated by - this was on the wall at the Bahrain Airport Terminal - they were all having their photos taken standing beside it - the little men move - the men were more interested than the kids!!!
Small things amuse small minds I guess!!

Really exciting pictures of Bahrain Airport!!

Looks much like Doha - except not as many high rises.

Not a cloud in the sky - this is the line between dust and sky!!

Each gulf state seems to be building an island just like Dubai's Palm Island.

The sea is the most amazing colour

Residential area in Bahrain.


As it's summer here in Doha there are lots of events that are happening at different shopping malls around the city.

We have all seen similar to this in Queen Street Mall I am sure - but these men are so fascinated by her it was quite amazing watching them - take her photo and just stare at her.... I guess its one the time that thay can stand there and really stare at a women without getting in trouble with the law!!!

If you want to get into another lane just push your way through the traffic!!!

One of Doha's Fire Stations - I think the red one is just for show - it never seems to move!!