Saturday, November 21, 2009

Riyadh City

Here is quite a different view of Riyadh city
If u click on the image you can see it in more detail.

Scottish Heights - Hash Walk November 20, 2009, Saudi Arabia

Today I went on another Hash walk - but this time I was doing "hare" duty which basically means that you go out before all the walkers and lay the trail for the day. So we walked the long walk (which was quite tricky in some parts) and then the short walk and then I did the short walk again with the walkers when they arrived.
So I imagine tomorrow I may not be able to walk at all!!! But it was great and felt good afterwards.

We are about to walk up this hill and across the top - but it is alot harder than it looks.

Up we go.

Long way down.

Down here and up there.

Up we go.

In the top right part of the picture you can just make out the cars in the distance.

Down in the valley you can make out a face in the rock formation - its quite amazing.

Close up of the face.

Shisha in the desert - Hubbly bubbly.