Thursday, July 16, 2009

First Night Out in Riyadh

To celebrate the end of our first week in the Kingdom a group of us went to the local Turkish Restaurant for dinner.  The restaurant is a bit of an icon here.  Delicious food and oh so cheap.  It cost us $10 AUD each for starters/breads/mains/drinks and we did not eat all the food - so great value for money.

This is the Faisalia Mall - when we all pass out medication exam we are going to treat ourselves to high tea in the globe on top of the building.

Waiting outside the restaurant for prayer time to be over.  The restaurants/shops close for every prayer.  If you are inside the restaurant you can stay but they will not serve you anything.
(Catherine/Maria - Ireland/UK)

Inside the restaurant waiting for our table. (Veronica and Jo - Ireland)

Table laden with food

Our fab waiter - he was just so funny- reminded me of Basel from Faulty Towers.
Monica and Terri - US

All the restaurants/cafes here have mens and family sections.  Single ladies  dine in the family section.

Mens Thobes

We ventured into a chocolate shop and were greeted by these lovely men who presented us with trays of chocolates and arabic sweets to try while in the shop.

Girls in Black.


We were supposed to go to Ikea but ended up on the wrong bus and went to the souqs instead - which is not a bad thing - heaven for me!!!  I love exploring.  We came across the most amazing shoe shops and loads of them - the colours of the shoes were incredible.  Never seen such a variety of colours.

Did not really have a look so not too sure if they were shoes I would wear.  But thought that it made a good photo anyway.  We also checked out the gold souqs and went abaya shopping.  There are some beautiful abayas for sure.

More photos to come - its just picking the right time to take them - like making sure there are no police around and security.