Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hash December 4th, 2009

Another Hash adventure in the desert. Was not going to go this week due to the rain - but afterall I am waterproof and that was not a good enough excuse not to go.
I was a 'Hare' again this week - so left early to mark the trail.

There was lots of flooding along the way - was nice to see so much water around and a little greenery. Lots of the wadi's along the way had running water.

Cars ahead marking off the roads with flour.

Wet boggy desert.

This week I helped Sean to mark out the trail for the runners - this is me at the top of the first hill we climbed that day. It took about 1.5hrs to mark out the trail.

We came from way down there!!!

The water check

Water and some greenery.

The trail of people going up the hill.