Monday, April 2, 2012


Well I am finally allowed to announce to the world that I am going to be a (dare I say it) Grandmother!!!!!

My son and his partner are having a baby - and its going to be a boy.
How exciting. I have been buying baby clothes for them and I also have books and toys - getting a bit ahead of myself I think, but nothing like being prepared.

But I am way too young to be a grandmother!!!!!

Happy Days

PS - What shall I be called, all the above sound and make me feel old - any suggestions would be greatly received....

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I love grandparenthood. We had the same dilemma. I've never considered Gran... anything, but my Mum is already the Nana in the family, so I became Nani/Nanny.

    I think it's what you're used to and are comfortable with. And, then there's always the chance that your grandbaby will choose their own name for you further down the track.

    My Aunt's grand name is Bee Pee, lol.
